Veteran television news anchor and nationally syndicated radio host of two shows, Home & Family Finance and Streetwise, Paul Berry is available to talk to your group.
As one of Washington's most respected journalists, Paul is a powerful speaker with an emotional touch.
From consumerism to congressional politics, he’s been there and covered it all and delivers his impactful words to your audience in an informative and entertaining style.
Time Capsule
Enjoy these nostalgic videos of some of Paul's broadcasts over the years.

Paul believes that public speaking should be about professional and personal experiences, thus relating directly to those who take the time to listen... and to learn.
"In my view, Paul Berry is the number one host/emcee in this part of the country, well-known and loved by many, many people.
"I hope he and I are able to continue doing the Olender Foundation Awards for many more years and I highly recommend him to other non-profits as well as businesses, professional groups, and associations." (more...)
— Jack Olender